KEEPING AN OPEN HEART ~ Living, Love & Kindness
Eventually, the emotional wounds we receive in life can cause us to want to close our heart off, to avoid being hurt. Sometimes we can even become closed off in our closest relationships. However, depriving yourself of love to avoid being hurt can’t solve the problem. For without fulfilling our need for love & affection, true peace & joy in life cannot be found. So, what is the solution?
The good news... There is a somewhat simple guideline for solving the love-hurt dilemma; “Communication is the #1 key” in learning to “Loving well, but loving wisely”.
The guidelines are as follows:
- LOOK, LISTEN & SHARE: We cannot build a positive, healthy relationship without getting to know a person first. Without good communication, it’s impossible to have discretion when choosing friends or a life partner & having balance in our relationships. It’s true, we cannot choose our family, however, the same guidelines still apply as far as our choices in the closeness of family relationships.
- RECOGNISE TOXIC PEOPLE: We need to use discretion when choosing friends & life partners. We need to recognize & distance our self from people who have an emotionally toxic effect on our life, including family members. Just because we’re born into a pre-selected family, that doesn’t mean we have to be chummy with incompatible or emotionally destructive family members!
- BREAK PATTERNS: Professional Counseling or Life Coach is usually necessary for those who are stuck in a negative cycle of choosing emotionally toxic people as friends or life partners. Talking to a friend or family member is usually a poor choice for this kind of need. Because they’re not emotionally involved, opinionated, sometimes criticise & tell you what they think you should do. A professional counselor is objective & trained to help us, help our self in breaking the old habits that keep us in a destructive lifestyle. Professional Counselors give us tools for change, not advice on how to live our life.
This guide is not a quick fix solution & it’s not always
easy to put into action, it is not an promised end to all hurt in
relationships, nothing can do that! But this can help stop the kind of pain in
relationships that devastates your life. So, the end results are well worth the
effort you put into to it!
In conclusion I want to say, I only hope this brief article
will help to guide readers toward greater success & happiness in your life
& relationships. I cannot promise that following these guidelines will make
your relationships perfect, because life is complicated. What I can say is, it’s
been my experience that this process has been successful for many people.
Live life fully, love much & laugh often! Very best
wishes, Dolly
"Live life fully, love much & laugh often!"
Keeping an Open Heart by, Dolly S.J. Piper 2016©
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