Activating Your Personal Power

“Concepts for Personal Growth”

The Keys To


It has been said that, “Knowledge is power” But, “knowledge” alone 
has no power in it’s-self…
    If one wants to have power to make positive changes in our life & this world; one must be prepared to do it and one must have an understanding of how to make those dynamic changes.

    To have command over any circumstance one must first be at peace with one’s self in any situation. Also, to be in command of circumstances requires knowing ones self well enough, to know ones own limitations yet still being able to stand firm with confidence even in the midst of chaos.
    This state of peace and confidence within brings yourself into balance; causing “unity” with yourself and your environment. So, having command of any situation is about being in unity with self and ones environment, including others who share it. Therefore, gaining “personal power” is not about controlling others, or manipulating circumstances for your own benefit alone like a puppeteer.
    In summary, gaining and activating your personal power, is about being at peace, accepting your limitations yet being confident, being in unity with environment therefore, knowing and caring about what is best for all concerned. When you are equipped, your ready to use the following keys,   and “All good things are possible;” even in the face of negativity and confusion.


    The truth about gaining “real personal power” is this: Knowledge is just knowledge, until one is able to grasp the following principals (or keys) for activating you personal power:
1.    Knowledge – is learning, being taught about a truth
2.    Wisdom – is having the understanding of how to use or apply a truth properly. This takes some experience with truth, putting it into practice. (observation and exercising it in your life).
3.    Faith – is your conviction, your commitment to a truth (This means you believe in a truth, (“to the bone!”) without wavering or doubting you know it is!
    Only when these three principals are working together in one’s life, is one enabled to gracefully wield the sword of truth/knowledge, with power. This is because “power” can only be activated through our “conviction” in the knowledge we gain; coupled with wisdom and administered with grace (no intent to do harm).

TRUTH, WISDOM & FAITH are one in force, intended to work together, these keys/principals are not based in “self-pride” or need for selfish-gain. Neither do these principals have need to control/dominate or destroy others. “Truth and the power of it activated,” is about the common good of all life.
    These principals are grounded in the best of our human character traits: love, hope, peace, joy, within and showing compassion, mercy, kindness, forgiveness, and respect toward all living things and our environment. True personal power is about personal honor, harmony and service of self to “the common good”. Therefore, “real Personal Power,” only belongs to those who are of good character; those who live by these principals of knowledge, wisdom and faith.
KEYS SUMMARIZED: Know it, Understand it, Trust it, and you will be enabled to Confirm it (by speaking it/taking action in it with conviction). Your gain will be “Mountain moving power” my friends! 

(See a poetic  Affirmation of Personal Power below)

~ Concepts for Personal Growth ~
"Activating Your Personal Power"
By, D.S.J. Piper 2015©
Steam Trunk Publications™

Proclamation of Conquerors of Darkness

We courageous, be knights of faith, truth and justice; carrying with us the sword of light, driving out darkness where ere we go.

We warriors of the King come, fitted with helmet of truth and wisdom, our hearts covered by breast plates of rightness. With courage we lift our shields in faith, pressing forward, our feet are swift to bear the good news of victory for those innocent and persecuted!

We knights in service to the King, shall ever be champions in behalf of the frail and needy, always upholding the good cause. With purpose we surely strike down injustice, bringing peace, freedom, and healing to our people; making that which is crooked straight, therefore these lands blessed, shall burst forth with overflowing abundance.

 We Intercessors of Faith
(Poetic Metaphorical Style)
By, D.S.J. Piper 2015©

Steam Trunk Publications™

1 comment:

  1. I believe those are the traits that allow us to act instinctively.
