Affirming Your Best

Affirming Quotes, Proverbs & other writings 

for Personal Growth

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Considering your possibilities, this is a very good thing!
But “to dream”, is only the first step toward life fulfillment.
For it is only those, who have the courage to pursue dreams;
That will find fulfillment and true happiness in their life;
And that is a great thing!

“Dare to Dream”
 by Dolly S. J. Piper 2015©
Steam Trunk Publications™


The Quality of Humbleness, a Proverb in Concrete Graphic Form ~ By, Dolly S.J. Piper 2015©


  1. Humility is the single most important attribute I could possibly seek to attain. I am far from it but a far distant from the arrogance I once had.

    1. Hello Robert! I agree with you, humility is as important to me as is the quality of "Unconditional Love", they go hand in hand, don't they. All of us are prone to humility & self-centeredness. I think most of us set our heart to humility & love; but no one, is ever humble & loving all of the time! And that is okay, because we are human... Perfection is not what's important... What is important is the general "condition of our heart, the 'desire to do our best for others & self". For what we truly desire will always be manifest in the way we live. Thank you so much for your visit & your wonderful comment! Hugs my friend! (~8[{

  2. Those are powerful words , but gently written.

    1. Hello riderz00m! Thank you so much for your encouraging comment! I am so happy that my words touched you! Also, thank you very much for visiting & commenting on the "Humbleness Proverb". Have a truly inspired week my friend! (~8[{

  3. Dear Dolly, you are truly a wonderful creative lady.. Love this, and You are Unique.. just as your creations are..
    Wonderful Humbleness Proverb and I so enjoyed my visit here :-)
    Love and Blessings.. Sue xxx
