I do not consider myself only a “Philosopher”, for although
I may consider many possibilities, 'truth' is not about debating theories with colleagues; and that which I accept as “truth,” must be
supported by these guidelines:
- Truth must be supported by fact; (physical evidence).
- Truth should be measurable in some way.
- Truth must conform to the same physical principles that govern everything else within our known universe.
- Truth should also be logical; "truth makes good sense" based on all combined human knowledge/or doctrines, (such as: mathematics, science, and documented history).
However, if a concept (or theory) does not defy the above guidelines, and has not been solidly disproved, I cannot discount it; even if it is not yet fully supported by all human doctrines. For every 'known truth', has always begun as theory only.
So how does one explain, or prove, that which gives
evidence of itself, yet goes “unseen” by the human eye? Modern civilization is now able to prove some of the unseen by using the above guidelines. Yet what of the unseen which can
be sensed and felt within human beings; this altruistic force which stirs within the essence of our very being. What can
one say of this force which drives humankind to 'inspiration'? It is this altruistic force within us, which produces faith, hope, compassion, mercy, and love; yet these fruits themselves, seem to defy what we usually accept as “truth” in a practical sense? Nevertheless, can we not see the
evidence of this driving force? Can't we see the evidence of it in such concrete things that we humans are inspired to create? Therefore, isn't this same altruistic, driving force, proven through the human experience of living itself?
Human beings are different from any other living
creature, in this “quality of our humanity” it is this unseen force, which motivates us by more than
physical circumstances, more then our need to survive! it is this unseen force within humanity which sustains, and connects us to one another 'universally'. Therefore we humans, continue to seek truth in more then what can possibly be proven by practical means. Yet we can know and accept this unnamed, unseen force as truth. For this truth springs from deep inside our self, “this is unseen,” proves itself through who we are as human beings. Somehow, this makes more sense than anything 'concrete' truth humanity understands by conventional means.
Therefore, ‘I am’,
and ever shall remain but a “Seeker of Truth!”
“Truth Seekers” Article
By, Dolly S.J. Piper 2015©
Steam Trunk Publications™
is the ability to come to an understanding of truth,
without having all of the puzzle pieces in place yet.
“Wisdom Is” Quotes & Affirmations
Truth is too often trumped by half truths, repetitious lies and improbable theories.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Robert! Yes it's true, that's part of life; all we our-self, can do is continue to share the "truth" with others. I believe, 'truth seekers' recognise the difference. There will always be fools, but generally sincere truth shared wins!